. . . my name is Mlynda, and I'm addicted to DIY blogs. And shelter magazines. And home design. And entertaining. And holidays. And Pinterest. Don't forget Pinterest. It's an illness. Just ask my husband. "Project" is a four letter word in his book. DIY, home decor, and general homey goodness run through my head All. Day. Long. So I'm hoping I can self-medicate this addiction with a DIY/design blog all my own, in an attempt to get it outta my head and out there for the world to see. Or just my Mom. Yeah. Probably just my Mom. Hi Drexene!
I think while I'm here I need to explain the blog's name. I'm not a designer. I don't have a design company. But someday I hope to. I would love to help other people find their own style and a beautiful comfort in their homes. But for now it'll just be little ole me and my little ole house. (This blog totally could have been called Little Old House, because that's what I have!) I guess right now I'm just reserving my future company's name. Yeah, I'm the nerd that thinks THAT far ahead. Anywho, the numbers One Two Five are significant to me. They represent my children's birthdays - the oldest born on the 1st, the youngest born on the 25th. Let's have a collective awwwww. All two of us.
Hopefully, this blog will also give me the kick in the pants I need to get my own DIY projects and home beautification going on. I'm mean, if I put it in print on the internet, I have to do it, right? 'Cause everybody knows you can't put anything on the internet that isn't true. ;)
*I mean, NOT I'm mean! My first of many typos! :)